First see if there is a MenuErrorLog.txt file. If not, start any scenerio, then alt-tab out of PE. Check the Desertfoxlog.txt file to verify the version of the game engine. The current version is 17.3.
Check the Desertfoxlog after the crash to desk top. If you edit PE_MENUSYSTEM.INI so debug=YES ranther then debug=NO, Desertfoxlog will check for more errors.
Try running in windows 98 compatibility mode.
Worse case, edit the campaign script to remove that scenerio from the list. The script is found in the \pe\Desert\Campaigns folder. The scripts are named after the length of the campain. Example : uslongdesert.txt
WATSON48: Am having trouble completing Russian campaign because of scenario Kholm.As soon as I click map get CTD.I see same problem described on PEDG forum Ostpak ,but seems unresolved.I'm wondering if there's a simple way of editing this Scenario out of Campaign in order to complete Campaign.Am using PE3,Scenario2009,Scenario2010 Mods.Even tried Scenario2012.Everything else works fine.Even Kholm scenario works in single mode.Just won't work in Campaign.Thanks anyway