Not sure I could pick just one. I have a few different favorites that I love for different reasons.
Theme/Focus: Town
Tons of zombies + tons of stake gun ammo = FPS bliss :D
That the tarot challenge involves taking advantage of that is a really big, delicous megasupercherry on top.
Balance/Pacing: Military Base & Abandoned Factory
Both of these I love for their pacing/gameplay. Military base gets bonus points for that real cool ambient military echoing voice. Also: Tanks. Abandoned factory however is probably my favorite in terms of pacing.
Overall Style: Hell
Same reason as everyone else who likes it I imagine. Would have been perfect if Lucy needed to be hit more than one time.
Music: Babel
I hate it when music sounds pretentious/overdone, which makes me hate many remixes. When music manages to strike the right balance and feel epic but not like some amature decided to just make it sound extreme, however, then that greatly enhances the experience for me. The music here has that balanced epicness and enhances the sense of awe at being at such a famous, mythical, mysterious place so well. I love it.
Honerable Mentions
First couple of levels, because they made it clear this game was going to be awesome. Reminds me of an article I once read that critisized FPS games for making you start with a pea shooter and said something along the lines of "Why not start with an awesome weapon and go *up from there*?"
First boss, same basic reason as first level. Unlike many bosses in games of all kinds it was neither puny nor cheap/hairpulling. Just totally awesome and a sign of what was to come. So full of crazy, giddiness-inspiring badassery it can stand out of the range of many of your weapons and *punch you*. I mean, I've just now grown more chest hair simply *talking* about it. It is enough pure unbridled badassery to make John Wayne faint like a damsel in an old movie.
No italics? Awww. I've used * instead then. Bold and underline just didn't feel right for those uses, as they make it stand out too much.
---Again--- General tidying up and fixes. Preview mode would be nice :/
Post edited February 25, 2009 by Sfon