Well, here are links to the built-in help files and tutorials. Note, I have pretty much left the files as-is. There are quite a few dead links, and the tutorial is full of grammatical mistakes, but is still pretty easy to follow along to. (Hope these links work)
LawMaker Help File LawMaker Tutorial File Looking through both files, I can see where a lot more help could be given. There are a lot of flags that just don't get covered in either file, and it probably be useful for newbies to know what each flag does.
In the tutorial, the author claims that the INF editor can do some really powerful stuff, but keeps the programming to pretty basic concepts. I guess the INF editor is more or less modeled after Dark Forces, so maybe there is more documentation for that game that can be applied.
It would be great to create an ADVANCED tutorial that really goes into the meat and bones of the editor, I just need to decide if I want to put forth the effort. I'd also need ideas on topics that folks would like to see covered :)
Aside from that, a document that explains all the flags and INF functions would be helpful. Plus, perhaps all the information needed to create a singleplayer level and a multiplayer level.