Posted July 04, 2010
I think I've broken the main quest in Shamazaar: I got the Shamaz to come and heal Ilott, but now I can't speak to him at all, but I've spent so long doing other things and now can't go back to an earlier save game (except the one from when I first came into the region). I know I have to speak to him, then Maar, then get a tablet from a chest and give it to the Shamaz, but none of this is happening -- and even when I find the chest in a house and blow it up to get the tablet, the Shamaz still doesn't want to know! Is there anything I can (such as a cheat) to reactivate this part of the main quest, or should I just give up and go back to the start of Shamazaar (several hours' play)? At least if I do that, I can stop riss production more quickly and thus spend less time fighting hard-to-kill guards ;)
This question / problem has been solved by tassitassi