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Keep up the good work on the updates. Works amazingly for me, and I'd love to give the game a burl in 1080p
nex01: I just made a patch that fixes the crash at the game over screen when using cinemascope.
I made it only for 16:9 and 16:10 resolutions (1280x720+1280x768) since most people have widescreens only these days.
I also added a nice leather effect to the gameover scroll.
Download here:

I'm also working on an 1080p patch.
It's working so far but the DOF layers are shifted and the terrain dissappears when looking down to the ground.
I don't know how to fix this.
FPS are slow on my 2.6ghz Conroe, but it works noticable better on an i5 2410m Sandybridge
thank you so much!
Many thanks Zenger, this patch makes a whole lot of difference, specially on fixed resolution screens :)
I have not gone very far in the game yet, only playing a few hours, but I found it to be very original, how comes I don't remember hearing anything about it at the time...
love the hires patch! thank you.
i have the screen resolution of 1366x768

which resolution i should choose in the patch?
For a 1366x768 screen I would probably use 1280x768. If your graphic card supports it, you can make it preserve the ratio so black bars is created at each side of the screen. That's what I plan to do at least! Have a look at my attached picture for example.
Post edited November 07, 2011 by Stockpile
i've played outcast and i see this

what i've to do?

i have a nvidia card,by the way
oigroig: i've played outcast and i see this

what i've to do?

i have a nvidia card,by the way
Are you using _Zenger_'s patch? What resolution are you using for the game? It looks like what's happening is that your graphics card scaling isn't working. If you're running the game in its original 512x384 resolution, it's likely that your monitor can't go that low and is defaulting to something like 640x480 and then displaying the game in the middle of the screen in a 512x384 box.

If you are using _Zenger_'s patch to increase the resolution and you are still seeing the game running in a small box in the center, then you should check out your graphics card scaling options. Go to your Nvidia control panel and look for an option that says "flat panel scaling" or similar. Make sure that scaling is turned on (the best setting is probably the "preserve aspect ratio" setting which will prevent games from getting stretched and distorted). That should enable the game to be expanded to fill your screen.

Even if you are running at the original 512x384 you might want to check the scaling options anyway... it will probably still run in a box but you might be able to make that box larger.
Waltorious: Are you using _Zenger_'s patch?
What resolution are you using for the game?
It looks like what's happening is that your graphics card scaling isn't working. If you're running the game in its original 512x384 resolution, it's likely that your monitor can't go that low and is defaulting to something like 640x480 and then displaying the game in the middle of the screen in a 512x384 box.

If you are using _Zenger_'s patch to increase the resolution and you are still seeing the game running in a small box in the center, then you should check out your graphics card scaling options. Go to your Nvidia control panel and look for an option that says "flat panel scaling" or similar. Make sure that scaling is turned on (the best setting is probably the "preserve aspect ratio" setting which will prevent games from getting stretched and distorted). That should enable the game to be expanded to fill your screen.

Even if you are running at the original 512x384 you might want to check the scaling options anyway... it will probably still run in a box but you might be able to make that box larger.
i don't have that option in my nvidia control panel
oigroig: i don't have that option in my nvidia control panel
What kind of monitor are you using (or are you using a laptop)? What specific Nvidia card do you have? Scaling will not work if you are using the wrong kind of cable to connect your monitor... I think it will only work with a DVI or HDMI cable. Also, some monitors have their own scaling settings, so you should look for that. Finally, not all graphics cards support scaling.

Sometimes you have to lower your monitor's resolution first before you can select the scaling option. Check the instructions here:

And of course, you can try updating your graphics dirvers to see if that enables the option in the Nvidia control panel.
oigroig: i don't have that option in my nvidia control panel
Waltorious: What kind of monitor are you using (or are you using a laptop)?
it's a PHILIPS 191 EW
What specific Nvidia card do you have?
Nvidia GTS450
Scaling will not work if you are using the wrong kind of cable to connect your monitor... I think it will only work with a DVI or HDMI cable. Also, some monitors have their own scaling settings, so you should look for that. Finally, not all graphics cards support scaling.

Sometimes you have to lower your monitor's resolution first before you can select the scaling option. Check the instructions here:

And of course, you can try updating your graphics dirvers to see if that enables the option in the Nvidia control panel.
Done,it added only option for stereoscopic 3D
oigroig: it's a PHILIPS 191 EW
OK, it looks like that monitor normally runs at 1366x768, so it's probably NOT a scaling issue. More likely, the high-res patch hasn't worked properly. Did you try running Outcast before using the high-res patch? If so, what did it look like? It's possible that the patch did not install correctly. If you're using Vista or Windows 7, make sure you install both Outcast and the high-res patch as administrator or they might not work right.

Anyone else know what could cause the patch to not take effect?
oigroig: it's a PHILIPS 191 EW
Waltorious: OK, it looks like that monitor normally runs at 1366x768, so it's probably NOT a scaling issue. More likely, the high-res patch hasn't worked properly. Did you try running Outcast before using the high-res patch?
Yes,it do the same thing
If so, what did it look like? It's possible that the patch did not install correctly. If you're using Vista or Windows 7, make sure you install both Outcast and the high-res patch as administrator or they might not work right.
done,it turn my monitor in the sleep mode and force me to restart the pc
Anyone else know what could cause the patch to not take effect?
Can you change resolution at the loader at all? If not, look here:
Delgado: Can you change resolution at the loader at all? If not, look here:
yes,i have discovered the 512x384 resolution just now but there is still the black space all around
Post edited November 19, 2011 by oigroig