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I just purchased the Oddworld bundle on steam, but it only provided the windows version.
Does GOG offer the DOS version by chance? Windows 640x480 looks rather bad on a 23" monitor, and I'd like some scaling done :)
kalirion: I just purchased the Oddworld bundle on steam, but it only provided the windows version.
Does GOG offer the DOS version by chance? Windows 640x480 looks rather bad on a 23" monitor, and I'd like some scaling done :)

It was never released for DOS. There is a way to bump up the res, I think. I read it somewhere on these boards, hunt around.
EDIT: I just checked. You can't change the res, and it's not possible to scale it. Because it's all pre-rendered.
Post edited October 05, 2009 by Glexn
Glexn: It was never released for DOS.

I beg to differ: [url=[/u[/url]]
GOG has the Windows version, it runs in fullscreen and looks nice on a 24" monitor... That's all I can say.
Vestin: GOG has the Windows version, it runs in fullscreen and looks nice on a 24" monitor... That's all I can say.

Flatscreen or CRT? If Flatscreen, maybe we just have different standards of "nice" :)
Vestin: GOG has the Windows version, it runs in fullscreen and looks nice on a 24" monitor... That's all I can say.
kalirion: Flatscreen or CRT? If Flatscreen, maybe we just have different standards of "nice" :)

Are there even CRTs that big 0_o ? I'm using Acer's G24, to be precise (IMO - 16:10>16:9)...
As for the second part:
"I'm the kind of person that takes anything nice in 320x200 and above as "good graphics" ;P.".
Then again - this IS a site dedicated to classics, right ? As such - I find 640x480 more than bearable... and to make things stranger - I sometimes AM a "graphics person", smelling the virtual flowers (Dreamfall FTW)...
Post edited October 05, 2009 by Vestin
The point of GOG is to get old games working on Windows XP/Vista, so it's sort of counter intuitive to make a DOS version for this site.
It's not the fact that it's "640x480" that annoys me, but that it's "640x480 scaled up to 1440x1080" (for my 1920x1080 monitor). Which winds up with 2.25 pixels for each original pixel. With these "fractional pixel" scaling, the resolution does not look nearly as good a a normal 640x480 would on a CRT monitor.
Even if you don't go for "enhanced graphics" of hq3x etc, DOSBox makes it a synch to do a direct 2:1 scaling to 1280x960. Then I can use NVIDIA control panel to disable monitor scaling, and the game looks like it was originally intended to (even if it doesn't take up the whole screen.)
kalirion: It's not the fact that it's "640x480" that annoys me, but that it's "640x480 scaled up to 1440x1080" (for my 1920x1080 monitor).

It all makes sense now... I have a 16:10 monitor and 640x480 scales great to 1600x1200 (2,5x).
My best advice would be for you to use Direct3D Windower and force the resolution to something bearable... like 1280x960.
Either that or buy a new monitor ;).
Nope, D3D Windower is not working. The game starts full screen at its ordinary resolution no matter what settings I try. Can't even get it to start in a window (yes, "Used Windowed Mode" is checked...) And it's not just because of Steam. I tried it with Diablo-Hellfire as well, same thing. Maybe the NVIDIA drivers don't like the program or something....
kalirion: Nope, D3D Windower is not working. The game starts full screen at its ordinary resolution no matter what settings I try. Can't even get it to start in a window (yes, "Used Windowed Mode" is checked...) And it's not just because of Steam. I tried it with Diablo-Hellfire as well, same thing. Maybe the NVIDIA drivers don't like the program or something....

You're not patient enough.
First you add AbeWin.exe to the list and CLOSE D3DW. Then you run it again and try the different settings. Trust me - it should work...

You're not patient enough.
First you add AbeWin.exe to the list and CLOSE D3DW. Then you run it again and try the different settings. Trust me - it should work...

Nope, can't get it to work no matter what I try. Game still runs full screen whether I launch it normally or through the app. Maybe its a Steam thing, but then why wouldn't Diablo: Hellfire work?
It would be nice if the DOS version would be added as an "Extra" download to the main game. I'd like to try it out, even just out of curiosity.
The DOS version was included on the original retail disc from GT Interactive. If you can find the original disc then you can find the DOS version.

My experience with the DOS version is... frustrating: I run into an error that won't allow me to save. VOGONS or DOSBox devs mentioned a bug in the DOS version that is supposed to read/write a line vs a character.

Just wanted to let you know about this issue before you set out on a quest to find the original disc (or if someone can correct me and has a fix, would be greatly appreciated as well)
depending how far you want to go with filtering/enhancement on rescaling, have you looked at a directx wrapper, like dgvoodoo2?