curlymcdom: I had an email near the start of the game from Jackson Farlane asking to meet him at another system, I turned it down as I hadn't figured the game out enough to afford a jump drive... has that ended any kind of plot sequence?
I have since gone to Galileo and he hasn't appeared at the meeting place. Is there a way to re-trigger this story chain?
I've figured a very profitable trade route that provides a high income, but no longer get any NPC's offering story quests so it's all gone a bit repetitive- are there any other triggers for plotlines beyond the disguised training characters? I basically don't even get emails anymore
From my playing of the game (since it was first on GoG last year and a few hours old) much like in real life, you have decisions some of which cannot trigger a set of sequences you wanted previously. You should get other offers all over the place. The news can be very useful...and, just like in real life, you can't follow every story for everything but if you pick some things of interest you will see an arc develop.
I believe the game runs from Oct - 31st Dec to play everything out but to do everything in there, well.........that would mean a ton of replay as each point as consequences that triggers or halts certain chains of events.
You could use one of the save slots perhaps ? There is no manual saving sadly but everytime you dock with a station, it saves your point.
Now onto more specifically, how you don't see emails or NPC.s This can be a problem. Back in Oct 2018 I think it was or perhaps November, there was an update and pow...... I got no more emails and I never saw any NPC.s I contacted the devs, and it took a bit of work on their part, but they worked on the bug. The game seemed to have thought it was in "sandbox" mode and hence no emails or NPC's.
If everything has stopped and you have done say 2-3 docks from station to station and you have not seen any NPC interactions on stations or mail, then it could be happening to you.
Email the devs with the address given in the game's news section on the main menu and perhaps write hte subject "NPCs and emails vanished" then in the main body of the email after your describe your situation, ask if the game has suddenly thought you are in sandbox mode because you read it happened to someone else.
Happy flying :)