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I've just got my old netbook up and running, uninstalled Steam from it, and decided to toodle over to GOG to see what good DRM free, low footprint games I could download. Needless to say my budget (less than $5) directed me to Nox. And holy cow, this is the best hidden gem I've ever found. I've been playing a few hours, and its "2d physics" design and world still look very pretty in a whimsical sort of way (best in class for games of that era IMO), and the physics and combat are just as good as the Diablo 3 beta I tried out last weekend. I'm seeing this game near the bottom of the best seller's list and it makes me really sad that people are missing out. Just because it doesn't have Baldur's Gate II's MetaCritic score. :O

For any other netbook gamers (along with anyone else) hunting for a great old top down actiony game to play on the go I think Nox is the game you've been looking for. I've gotten no dips at all in fps and it's paced like it was made yesterday. I'll finish up Diablo II whenever I get tired of Nox because, polished Blizzard gameplay notwithstanding... Nox is just so much more fun for me right now.

Yes it probably gets compared to Diablo too much, but at least in this case I think Nox knocks (heh) Diablo outta the park in terms of still being fun and original.