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First let me say I am a huge fan of the game and beat it multiple times (I still have my original big box copy) with warrior and wizard. Both are unique and fun.

However I hate playing conjurer, his class is so weak and unbalanced

-his magic is weaker than wizard and mana pool is smaller. You're either constantly using mana refill bottles or looking for/waiting for mana crystals/stones to recharge you
-his melee combat is awful
-the armor types he can wear is poor
-the summon/charm enemy you can charm are several levels below the current class of creatures you're fighting, even if you buy the creature scrolls from the merchants. The charmed creature is at best a distraction for the enemy you're fighting allowing you some time to weaken him a bit. At worst it will get annihilated in one or two shots by the enemies. You never find scrolls for creatures you can charm that are roughly the same level as the creatures you're fighting
-the bow and arrow/crossbow mechanics are also not very good, made worse by the wonky hit boxes. Many times I have "hit" a large creature like a bear only for it not to register, you need to hit a creature dead center for it to register, very difficult when they move so fast. You basically have to use the slow spell and even then see the hit box issue

About the only good thing I can think of is the bad ass horned helmet he can wear :)
Post edited October 12, 2015 by drnath
Oh, I beg to differ! Having completed the game twice, once as a Wizard and once as a Conjurer, I can safely say the playthrough as a Conjurer was a much smoother and easier one. As a Wizard I actually spent more time waiting around for the mana stones to recharge since that class relies exclusively on strong spells like Fireball, which you can only cast three or four times before you deplete your mana pool. There's the staff, yes, but that's for swatting weak creatures like bats and spiders.

The Conjurer has multiple options:

1) Spells: some are very powerful, like the Fist of Vengeance (kills mechanical golems in three shots), and Greater Heal is better than what the Wizard gets. Overall, the Wizard does have a more lethal magical arsenal, but the Conjurer could hold his own in a magic duel.

2) Bows: the arrows deal quite a lot of damage, especially the ones with added elemental effects. It's difficult to hit moving targets, but I've had much success by moving slowly and sniping enemies from across the screen before they could sport me. There aren't so many quivers to find, but unless you're wasteful, you should always have some in reserve.

3) Creature charming: not the most useful feature, I agree, but pairs well with ranged attack since creatures in your control keep enemies occupied. Yes, the strongest creature in your compendium is always weaker than what you're fighting on your current level, but if you could just charm & banish each creature you come across with minimum mana, there wouldn't be much of a challenge.

4) Trap: whereas the Wizard's trap seems to be better for multiplayer (where enemies move around the level), the Conjurer's bomber is more useful for singleplayer because it actively seeks out enemies and clears out rooms before you get in. That little guy saved my life multiple times in Castle Galava, where those pesky Ember Demons could one-shot me.

So, to recap, the Wizard without mana is useless, while the Conjurer can fall back to any of the other options in a bind.
Charon121: Oh, I beg to differ! Having completed the game twice, once as a Wizard and once as a Conjurer, I can safely say the playthrough as a Conjurer was a much smoother and easier one. As a Wizard I actually spent more time waiting around for the mana stones to recharge since that class relies exclusively on strong spells like Fireball, which you can only cast three or four times before you deplete your mana pool. There's the staff, yes, but that's for swatting weak creatures like bats and spiders.

The Conjurer has multiple options:

1) Spells: some are very powerful, like the Fist of Vengeance (kills mechanical golems in three shots), and Greater Heal is better than what the Wizard gets. Overall, the Wizard does have a more lethal magical arsenal, but the Conjurer could hold his own in a magic duel.

2) Bows: the arrows deal quite a lot of damage, especially the ones with added elemental effects. It's difficult to hit moving targets, but I've had much success by moving slowly and sniping enemies from across the screen before they could sport me. There aren't so many quivers to find, but unless you're wasteful, you should always have some in reserve.

3) Creature charming: not the most useful feature, I agree, but pairs well with ranged attack since creatures in your control keep enemies occupied. Yes, the strongest creature in your compendium is always weaker than what you're fighting on your current level, but if you could just charm & banish each creature you come across with minimum mana, there wouldn't be much of a challenge.

4) Trap: whereas the Wizard's trap seems to be better for multiplayer (where enemies move around the level), the Conjurer's bomber is more useful for singleplayer because it actively seeks out enemies and clears out rooms before you get in. That little guy saved my life multiple times in Castle Galava, where those pesky Ember Demons could one-shot me.

So, to recap, the Wizard without mana is useless, while the Conjurer can fall back to any of the other options in a bind.
I just got the fist of vengeance spell in the temple where you get the Weirdling. At my current level it depletes roughly 60% of my mana on one cast. I almost never have enough mana to cast it, so I stick with fireball.

Thanks for the tip with bows, I will try the sniping technique. I agree I have no problems finding arrows and the gold system is very generous so buying them from merchants is no problem either.

I see your point about charming and banishing, didn't think of that before.

I think I will use the bombers a bit more, they too use up a decent amount of mana so I reserved them for the really tough enemies like the lightning eyeballs.

When I played wizard I usually relied heavily on invisibility which made it easier to get away from enemies once mana was drained.

I appreciate the detailed reply. I am not too creative and usually play classes in similar ways, your tips with conjurer will definitely come in handy!
Post edited October 12, 2015 by drnath
drnath: I just got the fist of vengeance spell in the temple where you get the Weirdling. At my current level it depletes roughly 60% of my mana on one cast. I almost never have enough mana to cast it, so I stick with fireball.
Near the end of the game I had enough mana to cast it twice. My bread-and-butter spell was Meteor; it's cheap and incinerates hordes of zombies too. And Chapter X is full of mana stones anyway, so I didn't have to use potions either. The cost of the bomber depends on the spells that go into it, but one will typically deplete your whole mana pool. And armor shouldn't matter since enemies can't reach you if you're playing right, only those with ranged attacks are a problem.

It's a great game, too bad the solo campaign was secondary to the multiplayer. I'd play it for the third time as a Warrior, but melee sounds boring, and besides I'd probably have to spend too much money on equipment repairs.
Post edited October 12, 2015 by Charon121
drnath: I just got the fist of vengeance spell in the temple where you get the Weirdling. At my current level it depletes roughly 60% of my mana on one cast. I almost never have enough mana to cast it, so I stick with fireball.
Charon121: Near the end of the game I had enough mana to cast it twice. My bread-and-butter spell was Meteor; it's cheap and incinerates hordes of zombies too. And Chapter X is full of mana stones anyway, so I didn't have to use potions either. The cost of the bomber depends on the spells that go into it, but one will typically deplete your whole mana pool. And armor shouldn't matter since enemies can't reach you if you're playing right, only those with ranged attacks are a problem.

It's a great game, too bad the solo campaign was secondary to the multiplayer. I'd play it for the third time as a Warrior, but melee sounds boring, and besides I'd probably have to spend too much money on equipment repairs.
I don't think the solo was secondary, they did create three unique story lines and shook up the levels/enemies a bit depending on what class you picked. Contrast it to D2 where every class has the same levels, just randomly generated.

Warrior is a lot of fun. It is also the class that gets the most awesome gear, you can make your character look insanely cool with all the different combinations of metal armor. The armor is also quite strong compared to leather or cloth robes so you usually do not need to carry a second or third armor pieces/sets when going through dungeons. But yeah you do spend a ton on equipment repairs, especially late in the game when you have really high level armor, repairs start costing in the thousands per piece. But gold was never an issue since the armor drops you don't need sell for a ton of money. And compared to conjurer and wizard there is quite a few different types of melee weapons with enchantment effects on them. With conjurer or wizard as soon as you find the first piece of the Halberd it is pretty much stronger than any wimpy staff in the game, and as you upgrade it only gets stronger so you never change your melee for those classes. With warrior you only switch to the fully maxed out Halberd in the very last levels. It is more or less left clicking a lot, but he gets some spells as well, that aren't mana based, but instead have cool down timers. Some of them are pretty cool like the charge forward spell that will stun an enemy if you collide with them. However if you miss and hit a wall you get stunned.
Post edited October 13, 2015 by drnath
drnath: I don't think the solo was secondary, they did create three unique story lines and shook up the levels/enemies a bit depending on what class you picked. Contrast it to D2 where every class has the same levels, just randomly generated.
I think I've read that somewhere, that they designed the game around multiplayer, and added the solo campaign later. I can't shake the feeling that it could've been much more. The three hubs, one for each class (Fortress of Dün Mir, Village of Ix, and Castle Galava) could have been used more, e.g. for many more sidequests. As it is, I counted only two or three of those in each campaign. I liked the quiet parts in the hub very much, so that's a potential that went untapped; instead they went for more dungeons.

But I agree, they did a great job differentiating the levels with regard to the three classes. I also liked how warriors and wizards hate each other (reflected in their respective chapters), yet conjurers are neutral and thus friendly with both.
Conjurer became WAY more fun once I got the summon stone golem spell.
I finished the game as conjurer, I think he has the easiest Hecubah battle of the three classes since it is set in a standard dungeon layout with no perils beside the rotating spikes in the center which you never need to go near. Wizard and warrior both fought her in the underworld which was much more difficult with the lava and the smaller spaces made it harder to avoid the fire imps fireballs.
Post edited October 31, 2015 by drnath
drnath: Wizard and warrior both fought her in the underworld which was much more difficult with the lava and the smaller spaces made it harder to avoid the fire imps fireballs.
Wizards actually fight her in a third setting – some kind of laboratory, with several large rooms and long corridors running around them, no environmental hazards. I actually thought Hecubah was much more aggressive in the Wizard's final level. At least in the Conjurer's campaign she attacks summoned/charmed creatures first, and Conjurers can launch powerful arrows in rapid succession so the battle is pretty much over in minute or two. I only defeated her as a Wizard when I put the end-game staff aside and started laying some serious traps all over the place.
This thread is really old but thought i'd ask anyway. Does anyone know where to get the mechanical golem scroll as a conjurer? thx!
liejian: This thread is really old but thought i'd ask anyway. Does anyone know where to get the mechanical golem scroll as a conjurer? thx!
You can't. It's not in the single player game.
liejian: This thread is really old but thought i'd ask anyway. Does anyone know where to get the mechanical golem scroll as a conjurer? thx!
flinsal: You can't. It's not in the single player game.
What about Dryad, Vile zombie, Beholder?