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I've only just heard about this game, mostly how its multiplayer is the best thing since sliced bread... now I want a piece!

So two questions really

1. Does the multiplayer actually work?

2. How many people are actively playing it?
It would appear the multiplayer still works, yes, according to some information being posted on these forums, but I can't seem to find anyone online hosting games or entering the ones I often try hosting myself.

So I wouldn't get my hopes too high, regarding the online multiplayer (which, by the way, like you've apparently heard, was/is awesome). Still, Nox is worth the price of admission for the single player campaign and the Solo Quest mode alone, so you'll definitely won't regret buying it, if you're into this kind of game.
MP is fun but it gets stale somewhat quickly (at least for me). Its a giant kill fest where you are just as likely to be killed by an errant spell or charge as you are anything else. Warriors are at a bit of a disadvantage as they are equipment dependent to a greater degree than the other classes.

But yes, it is great fun with loads of people on the maps. One of the few PvP environments I was actually decent at, and there are not many, or really, any.
I just got Nox, and was wondering about the multiplayer myself. So the MP is PvP only? Bugger...not much a fan of that myself :(
gamefreak1972: I just got Nox, and was wondering about the multiplayer myself. So the MP is PvP only? Bugger...not much a fan of that myself :(
No Nox Quest is coop...!

I do play it over LAN very often
gamefreak1972: I just got Nox, and was wondering about the multiplayer myself. So the MP is PvP only? Bugger...not much a fan of that myself :(
wuTz89: No Nox Quest is coop...!

I do play it over LAN very often
Oh nice! I may have to see if I can get my better half interested in this game then, thanks :)
There was an CTF match on today with 6 vs 6 people.
well I'm in france, And I'm very likely to play again Nox seriously if anyone is hot for it! :D
Hope I'll can join some game! =}