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Posting here instead of sending GOG a support request... you'll easily see why i don't feel like bothering GOG support for things they have no grasp on

Installed the game, launched the game one, it threw me directly in the first playthrough without access to any option such as language or screen res... si i went down to start menu.

At first i just changed language and audio settings. Then i deleted the game's savefile progression because i wanted to see first cutscene i skipped.
I quit the game.

Now each and everytime i try to launch the game, it shows a small popup windows on top of the game's screen with some progress bar, then the game crashes directly... each time

I uninstalled the game completely, cleansed every occurence of the game's folders in appdata/local or lotaltemp or even registry, i reinstalled the game.

It launched once, again, throwing me directly into action; i quit the game... without touching any setting. Then each time i try to launch it again: crash instantly. (Crash seems related to unity)

According to this discussion on steam forum devs are aware and provided a fix... Yet no fix for GOG users it seems. So i didnt feel like spamming GOG support for a problem they cant solve (it's clearly on devs hands, but not for GOG customers yet, it seems)

Does anyone also had the behavior ? Does anyone around here know a workaround or a fix i could tinker on my side ?

Pareil pour moi.

J'espère que nous aurons le patch demain.