Posted October 21, 2019

On quite rare occasions my runs start in slow-mo too but quickly get back to regular speed once I delve down into the mines. I don't really have an eXplanation for that, I can only assume that depending on how the seed starts out the enormous amount of snow on the summit just above the entrance might cause a slow down since it's a couple thousand piXels that each react with each other.
Unless your hardware is busy doing other (heavy-load) things while you're playing I've really no other idea other than the simulated mountain of snow...
might have been several of these issues:
I alt-tabbed between startup of the game and actually playing and meanwhile too sometimes,
I was running on battery for the first 15 minutes
switched to fullscreen mode but not full resolution when I added the power supply.
once I made it through the portal to the holy mountain everything was running as smooth as expected.
system is a quite old Dell Inspiron 7737 Laptop ( 17 inch 1920 x 1080 multitouch)
which sports an Intel Core i7-4500U with 2GB GeForce GT 750M,
16 GB RAM and a 1TB HDD