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I don't have a marker for any facility though?
Have you tried scanning with your ship while you are in space? Normally it gives a waypoint every time if you have non active yet. Also it seems that doors can only be shot down with the weapon mode of your multi tool, no matter how good your mining one is, combat wise. At least I experienced it with another random closed door somewhere.
Zzyzxx: I don't have a marker for any facility though?
An icon should show up, even when in space. It`s a little blue building sign. But if you`ve found other places then it might be obscured by all the other icons. Look carefully.

And scan in space to show stuff up.

I guess they never expected anyone to run from the sentinels?
I play a careful game and it was the first time I`d ever been attacked (I hadn`t even died at all in like 7 hours from the start). When the walking sentinel appeared I decided the better part of valour!
Post edited August 14, 2016 by Socratatus
So I found out what happened. Apparently the preorder ship has a tiny bit of hyper drive fuel in it... So apparently, if you get the preorder ship right off the bat, you'll never get hyperdrive schematics and be stuck with it for the rest of the game. If you never pick it up at all, you never get any hyperdrive fuel or hypderdrive fuel schematics... Ever...

I can't believe they never considered either of those things happening. If you preordered and get the ship right away, you're screwed. If you preordered and never picked it up because of the bug, you're still screwed. Wtf Hello Games
I got the pre-order DLC and had no problem getting the Warp Cell blueprint. I've already made 2 Cells and can now make Antimatter to continue to make more.

Not sure what the issues are people are having but it's not the pre-order ship, or at least not always.
Search for colonial outposts on the radar beacons with the orange light. These will have the blueprints. It's semi random what you get but if you do a few you'll have all the blueprints you need to construct warp fuel from scratch.
I thought you started with that one. I don't remember getting mine. I do remember getting the blueprint for AntiMatter, since I was hanging out at the ports buying it off NPCs before that.
I got a few similar ones, just less serious. If you refill the jump-thruster right before you land (and you are empty of fuel as you touch down). And then try to take off again, the tooltip with "refill the thruster with plutonium" flashes, and you can't launch. Or refill (again).

The Atlas quest also somehow will progress to the sanctuary meeting if you don't decide to spurn the red orb at the beginning. But if you don't enter and reject Atlas (you might not want to bother, if you've decided to go on your own way), the next "stage" of the quest doesn't trigger.

This is the same thing as the warp fuel blueprint. You're likely technically able to eventually get it from later "transmission" beacon missions, when you raid depots and so on. But unless they've made sure that the first blueprint you get is the warp-core, then good luck with random production blueprints..

The Photon-cannon also seems to have been rechargeable in an earlier version. So now if you "empty" it, it stays empty, and can't be refilled. Best guess: something was changed with the starter ship in a forced script to make it easier to play, and the scripts or functions carry over. And no one tested that.

So two logical scripting bugs (that should be visible to anyone who tests the game - break "complete" condition and leave, see if the mission respawns...), and leftovers from (presumably) some professional grade "streamlining".

I want to say "I wonder what they were doing during the delay", but I guess it's pretty obvious..