alt3rn1ty: .. Meanwhile .. steam is onto its next experimental update after 3.63
Which we dont get to participate in anymore for some reason, even if you have GOG Galaxy password entered plus experimental beta channel enabled (See attached screenshot).
I wonder if this is a GOG Galaxy 2 issue?
ChewyWeAreNotHome: A few months ago I sent in a support ticket to GOG about not receiving Experimental updates and after a week or so was informed that they are not making Experimental available. Automated responses came through almost daily saying that due to the pandemic they are slower to respond to support requests. So not a Galaxy 2 issue. The response also stated that GOG will only support main releases.
Damn, I like taking part in those so that the game devs get bug reports fast before they go into hybernation again making the next big update (and dont let previously fixed, now broken parts of the game slip past them and go onto the very long term zendesk pile)
SirProsik: I got pretty much the same answer from GoG when I asked about the experimental patch.
The response I got however eluded to Hello Games not providing the experimental.
I guess then it depends on who fielded the question for GOG, and staff not singing from the same hymn sheet .. Or maybe fobbing us off with a send them to bug someone else reply, sigh! ..
But then I have a feeling whoever you talked to may be correct, last time we had an 3xperimental beta update for NMS, I was following the steam sticky topic which regularly adds another bunch of fixes, followed by another period of time for testing. We had the first round of fixes beta, but then there were a couple more updates to the same beta which us GOG participants did not receive .. The next update we received was the final public release. So I have a feeling Hellogames can control which platforms are switched on to receive specific beta updates.
Maybe HG did not feel our platform needed to test the fixes, or maybe comparatively they dont get enough beta participants from GOG player pool to be bothered about switching it on.
I guess we will never get a straight answer.
Well at least we did eventually get v3.63, surprisingly it was released simultaneously with v3.64, they both went up on the GOG Build depots within minutes of each other.