Socratatus: Didn`t know that. That`s useful, thanks. But I did start noticing the cross hairs pop up when landing on station pads. You won`t see this without the low
flying mod... Another indication that flying low was a designed mechanic of the game, before they changed it.
Red_Eagle_LXIX: Noticed this as well.
This game has some very odd design decisions.
Did you know you can't turn the torch on if you are on the "day" side of the planet? They coded that. Someone said, make it so the player can't press 'T' and have their Torch/Flashlight turn on even in caves, if the side of the planet they are on is in daylight. WTF?
Yes, I did.
This game is full of design changes that smack of being changed at the last moment for some reason. There`s something strange about fighting in space too. For example if you hit a Feighter by mistake, it will fire giant beams at you and cops will jump on you. But when pirates attack the Freighter, the Freighter never uses its giant beams on them and the cops never show up. It just sits there. And if you help by fighting the pirates, no wingmen come to help you out. Also you get nothing except a bit of rep for helping the ships and the reps is pretty useless.
There`s a lot of cutting out stuff shenanigans that`s been happening behind the scenes we are not privy to, but you can see it the longer you play the game.