Claude1864: Im also noticing that the planet i am on, where i have completed all the objective (the first planet i discovered and named) Is showing up as another planet in the system. I went to the other planet a couple of days ago and discovered a couple of new creatures. I named that planet also. I went back to the first planet i discovered . Thats where i have been for the past couple of days. Now when i hit "ESC" it acts like im on the other planet sjhowing me the things i discovered on that planet, not the ones im on now. I click to see the view the planet im on now and nothing shows up. Like i said in an above post only the green icon letting me know i have uploaded the creatures or areas. Could this be a server error?
This is a list retrieval error of some sort locally. Not completely sure about the conditions for triggering it, but it seems to happen if you go from one planet in a system to another one there is a local entry of. It's possible you need to lose server connection in between or something like that, because it's not consistent. Also sometimes pulls a partial list. And then it appears normally again if you leave and come back sometimes.
If you select another planet in the list, retrieve that data (hold a, etc.) and then switch back, it seems to retrieve the right list again most of the time.
The warp-fuel "mission" threw me off at first as well. Mechanic is something like this: you need to not have the blueprint for either warp-cores or antimatter, as well as the warp-drive. And then scan while cruising in space in the planet system. The mission that triggers then will specifically reward you with a warp-core. And the blueprint for anti-matter and warp-cores can be retrieved in the next system you travel to.
There is potentially a break-condition if you fail to break down the door in that specific plant (say, you dismantled the boltcaster or ran away from the sentinels). Or if you maybe have completed the location before and the mission-target you get is the same as the console you already used.
But I restarted the game early on and tried a couple of times to break the starting mission (don't judge), and couldn't do it. Basically, the mission will start over again even if you delete the warp-core you get. And both the initial "space-scan" reward that nets you the warp-drive and the warp-core, and the subsequent blueprint missions in the next system, will trigger over and over again if the conditions are met.
Optionally, you can raid manufacturing plants until you get the right blueprint. But this is obviously going to take forever. And it is intended that the first "space-scan" mission you get (which the game prompts you to do everywhere, as well as says you should fly into space right now while you're on the planet, and then scan), is going to give you the warp-tech.
So what I think may be happening is that people don't scan in space. Possibly because the preorder ship notification is stuck over it. And there is supposedly a way to interrupt a segment of the warp-tech mission once it starts, if you land and change to the pre-order ship (which comes with a warp-drive, possibly skipping the second part of the quest).
It's just that the mission happily triggers again in a new system, or if you reload after quitting, once the conditions for triggering the quest for warp-fuel is met again. I.e., finding or purchasing a ship in a new system without a warp-drive while not having the blueprints for anti-matter, fuel or warp-drive, and then triggering the space-scan).
But the second part of the mission won't trigger until you have jumped the first time. I.e., you're not going to get a warp-core blueprint in your first system, unless you grind all the manufacturing plants for all 900 blueprints, or whatever it is, and randomly get the right one.
edit: and yes, you can skip the quest/tutorial for the antimatter blueprint by just buying anti-matter. And still trigger the quest again on the next planet. First blueprint you get still will be for anti-matter.