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I'm going crazy here.

I'm trying to adjust the graphics settings for teh game to run well on my computer. But every time I restart the game, I have to look at this minute of camera movement and suit scanning until i can finally press ESC, make a change, and start over. Is there a way to skip this?
Somian: Hi,

I'm going crazy here.

I'm trying to adjust the graphics settings for teh game to run well on my computer. But every time I restart the game, I have to look at this minute of camera movement and suit scanning until i can finally press ESC, make a change, and start over. Is there a way to skip this?
As far as I'm aware, no it's not possible.

The initial star field "journey" is, I think, a cover for the time it takes to get the procedural algorithm and graphics engine initialized and all of the shaders loaded. If you delete your shader cache [*] then you'll notice that it takes longer to go through that screen.

While you're waiting, see how many duplicate star system names you can spot. Reward yourself (a beer, a piece of chocolate, both? ;-) for each duplicate you find.

The post-landing pause after you spawn, when it describes where you are, etc. can be skipped if you're on the console. *Maybe* possible if you use an XBox controller on the PC. They added the ability to skip the explanatory screen by pressing a button on the console controller but, as far as I can tell from lots of random key presses, that capability isn't duplicated on the PC keyboard.

If anyone knows differently, I'll buy you a beer (or piece of chocolate...) because it is damned annoying to wait through that screen for the 40th time you spawn at your base.

[*] If you're making changes to the graphics settings it may be useful to delete the contents of the SHADERCACHE folder (after making a backup, of course, just in case) each time. It's located in your "...\GOG Games\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\SHADERCACHE" directory.
I admit that it's likely I'm overlooking something important here, since I haven't made many extensive changes to my graphics... but I'm wondering why you can't start the game in normal mode (NOT survival or permadeath mode), look at the minute of camera movement and suit scanning, and then jump into the broken ship which is nearby and then pop back out. Once the game is saved, you can make changes until you get the graphics looking exactly the way you want it, and each time you restart the game, you can skip all the start-of-game suit scanning crap because you're loading an existing game instead of starting a brand new one.

Once you get the graphics configured exactly how you want them, just quit back to the configuration screen, right click on the game you've been using to test (which allows you to delete it) and then start a brand new game in whichever game mode you want to play, knowing that the graphics are picture-perfect.
The juvinile egomaniac dev, that made this mess wants you to see his logo, at each and every load up. No ESC, to get right into the meat. This product is bad out of the box and excessively frustrating to the end user, you'll find more and more hideously repetitive tasks and time sinks, further in. The end user should be the one deciding his comfort levels, and GUI options, in regards to scum saving, loadup screens, and starting locations, not the game/devs.