Somian: Hi,
I'm going crazy here.
I'm trying to adjust the graphics settings for teh game to run well on my computer. But every time I restart the game, I have to look at this minute of camera movement and suit scanning until i can finally press ESC, make a change, and start over. Is there a way to skip this?
As far as I'm aware, no it's not possible.
The initial star field "journey" is, I think, a cover for the time it takes to get the procedural algorithm and graphics engine initialized and all of the shaders loaded. If you delete your shader cache [*] then you'll notice that it takes longer to go through that screen.
While you're waiting, see how many duplicate star system names you can spot. Reward yourself (a beer, a piece of chocolate, both? ;-) for each duplicate you find.
The post-landing pause after you spawn, when it describes where you are, etc. can be skipped if you're on the console. *Maybe* possible if you use an XBox controller on the PC. They added the ability to skip the explanatory screen by pressing a button on the console controller but, as far as I can tell from lots of random key presses, that capability isn't duplicated on the PC keyboard.
If anyone knows differently, I'll buy you a beer (or piece of chocolate...) because it is damned annoying to wait through that screen for the 40th time you spawn at your base.
[*] If you're making changes to the graphics settings it may be useful to delete the contents of the SHADERCACHE folder (after making a backup, of course, just in case) each time. It's located in your "...\GOG Games\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\SHADERCACHE" directory.