Posted August 27, 2016
I am looking to reset the game, but have only been able to find instructions for PS4 and Steam versions. Navigating the GOG game files isn't producing an obvious candidate for deletion (and don't want to trial-and-error too much), either. Should I just uninstall or is there a file I can delete/tweak that will have the same effect? Any info anyone can provide would be appreciated. Thank!
I am looking to reset the game, but have only been able to find instructions for PS4 and Steam versions. Navigating the GOG game files isn't producing an obvious candidate for deletion (and don't want to trial-and-error too much), either. Should I just uninstall or is there a file I can delete/tweak that will have the same effect? Any info anyone can provide would be appreciated. Thank!
This question / problem has been solved by Chuckster