komisches: Elite: Dangerous is a giant space sandbox, it had about the same level of interest as this for me, at the start. I'm still into this one for now though. Elite is more space, less planet stuff though.
fkn_dean: I refunded this game and I got my money. Don't get me wrong. No Man's Sky has a great base or canvas, but a lot of the features are missing or non-present. What was promised to us and what was shown at E3, that was what most of us were sold on. Did we overhype it? Maybe, but doesn't give Hello Games or Sean Murray the right to lie to us as a game developer. You can say it's childish for me to even do this or you might say that people in the industry have been doing this for a long time, but that's just morally wrong. It shouldn't happen.
I'm sure NMS will become a great game, tailored by the community. **In the near future** I sure didn't buy a early-access game waiting for game developers to deliver on promises they made on pre-release.
Considering the cash they expected us to pay, you make a fair point. I paid this amount for GTA V and I GOT what I expected. NMS doesn`t even come close (and I uninstalled GTA V for this).
It`s a good base game and solid I think, but the price is too high. However, I`m going to stick this one out and expect to see great improvements in time.
I won`t be happy if in 6 months it`s still like this.