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Anyone else getting a CTD when taking a picture?
I am getting a CTD in both Normal and VR on two different
Windows 10 1909 boxes.

I am wondering if a setting is not correct like where the 'screenshots' go after
taking a picture.

Tried both Normal and Experimental created a new normal save game same results. CTD.
SirProsik: Hello,

Anyone else getting a CTD when taking a picture?
I am getting a CTD in both Normal and VR on two different
Windows 10 1909 boxes.

I am wondering if a setting is not correct like where the 'screenshots' go after
taking a picture.

Tried both Normal and Experimental created a new normal save game same results. CTD.
Happens to me, also. Not every time but most of the time. When I accept a "mission" to do something like "take a picture of a Holo Terminal" I make sure to do a manual save before going into photo mode.

Sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes it does the dreaded CTD. I'm not sure what causes it and haven't found a correlation with other behaviour like how long it's been running.

I do have the NVIDIA overlay active and I use that to take screenshots. It also does video capture, so that's occasionally useful. I did try uninstalling all of the NVIDIA extras -- everything except the driver itself -- but that didn't affect photo mode CTDs so I went back and re-installed the NVIDIA stuff.
Thanks for replying.
Tried upgrading the video card driver and still CTD :(
Every single time.

There has to be something the game or Galaxy is using that is either not configured or maybe disabled etc.
I have not been able to take a screenshot on this computer in game since the 11th of March the other computer
that I tested it on crashes as well.


Continued investigation found that using x360ce causes the game to immediately crash when trying to take a photo in photomode. After I moved the dll's and executable from the Binaries directory I can take screenshots again.
Now back to not being able to use my controller again.
Post edited March 20, 2020 by SirProsik
Same issue with a Sapphire Vega 64 (AMD). Sometimes it works, then suddenly crash.

I made so many bug reports in January. None of them were fixed, so I stop doing it. How important this is to them shows the fact, that you can only choose from Version 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 or 2.0 experimental when reporting, sorting all bugs into a no longer supported branch, which makes bug reports futile.