No cloud saves here. :)
It's pretty easy to back up your saves, though. Windows user-dir, etc.. (careful about the use of slashes and backslashes here "%homepath%/appdata/roaming/Hellogames/nms". And note that %homedir% isn't a symbolic link, but a static string in the environment variables that exposes your current user-name, etc. Also, not really that much shorter than /users/[username]. Seriously, who makes this OS? A bunch of monkeys?)., then just copy that directory (or zip it to a folder, etc. 7-zip is free and has a context-menu like that). And wrap it back out to the same folder on the new computer.
There's a savegame manager "mod" available too, that lets you back up saves once in a while manually. Which.. is probably more useful than having your one single save-file overwritten continuously...
But then again, I don't know what the "kids want" nowadays. And may very well be wrong about how they don't want a single save-game with grinding progress following them around on all their computer devices all day, like literally every single game on the goog app store.
And stuff.
edit: and before anyone starts - you should not have "cloud saves" on a distribution style application, for the simple reason that it ties functions in your game to a specific platform. This inconveniences developers who wish to develop for different systems, and generally requires the dev to program in platform-specific routines. Because owners of said platform are lazy and do not wish to program in functionality in their own program that for example is tested and guaranteed to actually back up the right files, and then wrap them out again without overwriting the wrong saves, etc.
In general, cloud saves is very little else than a way to encourage people to buy multiple instances of the same device from the same company. Or to continue using the same platform.
Meanwhile, external cloudsave type apps for example maintained by open source components, that then could be supported by various distribution services on various platforms - is of course completely and totally possible. But will not happen, because people in general are greedy and lazy assholes who exploit your naivite as much as is humanly and technically possible.
Post edited September 18, 2016 by nipsen