elghinnfaer: The way I feel about this update was that Sean Murray was none too happy about how fast people were spreading out into "his" universe and thus to reduce people's ability to explore he made the game much more tedious and difficult even in normal mode.
The price of player ships being bought increased in price to levels way higher then the already high price, mining some materials requires a new multi tool update which in turn can only be obtained from following their npc quest lines.
Those npc quest lines also broke my game to some extent, in doing them somehow my jetpack and hazard slotted items in my suit somehow transferred themselves over to my ship slots and stopped functioning and were not able to be destroyed to free up slots, had to find a crashed ship with 48 slots, same as I had and transfer stuff over to new ship to get the two ship slots back.
Too little too late is a good expression when thinking about this situation, I for one want to see the promised features in game....
"enter comes the fanboy flames" ........
Which NPC's N&P? I turmed down the atlas first off. Ships are harder to find unless you use a mod. Only found 2 ships using trans towers which are scarce. Finally got to 20 slot ship while in my first system. Emeril is a trip to find. Its under ground and in water.Did find 1 mound sticking up. Lots of minerals under the ground.Shows up in a scan when your on the ground.You need to grenade your way down to reach it.