Posted July 24, 2018

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Registered: May 2015
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New User
Registered: May 2016
From United States
Posted July 24, 2018
yea, if GOG doesn't say anything about it b4 steam launches it I'm jumping ship

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user deleted
New User
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted July 24, 2018
GOG always announces a big update with a news post. It might not be at the exact time it launches on Steam though. They responded on Twitter that they will have news about the update.
Past NMS updates launched on Galaxy not too long after Steam.
Past NMS updates launched on Galaxy not too long after Steam.
Post edited July 24, 2018 by user deleted

New User
Registered: Sep 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 24, 2018

Granted it will certainly have the ability to save Hello Games and Sean's reputation (and bank balances).

New User
Registered: Apr 2014
From Australia
Posted July 24, 2018
Oh really? Will check it out, thanks! Have you ever purchased keys from there before? Is it trustworthy?

New User
Registered: Aug 2012
From Norway
Posted July 24, 2018

I wonder if this will finally enable them to end their contract, eventually, with Sony. That they're going to work up some bank, and be able to launch a game without the focus group fuckery patching business from Sony.

New User
Registered: Jun 2016
From Saint Helena
Posted July 25, 2018

I wonder if this will finally enable them to end their contract, eventually, with Sony. That they're going to work up some bank, and be able to launch a game without the focus group fuckery patching business from Sony.
That said, the _terms_ of the contract may and will change with time. We have no idea what are time conditions and restraints in their contract. For example, i can't exclude the possibility that their contract includes HG's promise not to provide NMS to any other console other than PS4 for two years after the initial launch date of NMS (which by the time the contract was signed was most likely planned to be June 2016; later delayed to August for actual launch) - and if so, no wonder Xbox gets NMS _now_, 2+ years after the initially planned release date.
Other conditions of the contract may be of similar nature - i.e. there may or may not be "temporary" conditions and restrictons of any sort.

New User
Registered: Jun 2014
From New Zealand
Posted July 25, 2018

If it weren't for the mp side of the game and it being diriven by players actions and events etc i'd be just another off line space game than most people eventually bounce off after a few weeks.

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted August 06, 2018
I hate Steam, its the entire reason I do business with GoG... Games are so much easier to buy on steam and there is a bigger selection, etc... if this isnt something thats fixed then I'm gonna try to get my money back from GoG for NMS and just convert over to Steam...
if I make the compromise to use Steam, then thats what I'll do for all my games, theres no point in having some games in steam and some in GoG... Its a shame because this isnt a problem caused by GoG, its from the tragically ignorant devs, but its a problem GoG will end up paying for...
if I make the compromise to use Steam, then thats what I'll do for all my games, theres no point in having some games in steam and some in GoG... Its a shame because this isnt a problem caused by GoG, its from the tragically ignorant devs, but its a problem GoG will end up paying for...

Cranky old guy
Registered: Jul 2016
From United States
Posted August 07, 2018

Granted it will certainly have the ability to save Hello Games and Sean's reputation (and bank balances).

If it weren't for the mp side of the game and it being diriven by players actions and events etc i'd be just another off line space game than most people eventually bounce off after a few weeks.

New User
Registered: Sep 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 07, 2018
Not to mention i did specifically say:
"MP pretty much 'killed' Elite Dangerous for many Elite fans that backed it for the single player game (that was pulled just before release), and still harms it's design and development to this very day."
The glacial pace of updates for ED are very much wrapped up in the difficulty of balancing for mp concerns (from new ships and their abilities/stats vs others) to the general 'weakness' around peer-peer networking that ED uses and concerns like instances and rubber banding etc.
I do accept a lot of people were looking forward to mp Elite (it was a longtime wish from David Brabben as well), but it is clear it only partially lives up to expectations and from a design perspective has held the game back. If it had been single player (or had a real off line single player experience) we would have seen a huge influx of mods to improve the game all over.
It's why as an original kickstarter backer (like 5 years ago now?!) I have not started playing properly yet (dipped my toes in and did not find it what i was looking for...yet). I much prefer to play FFED3D (plus mods) for my Elite fix as that just does 'more' better imho. ED is still in development though, so i'm hopeful i'll get to play it at a near feature comparative state to FFED3D at some point.
But yeah unless your game is specifically designed ALL about the mp (and that just kills a game for many people not into the PvP), pseudo-mp has it's draw backs, as both ED and now NMS are finding out.
"MP pretty much 'killed' Elite Dangerous for many Elite fans that backed it for the single player game (that was pulled just before release), and still harms it's design and development to this very day."
The glacial pace of updates for ED are very much wrapped up in the difficulty of balancing for mp concerns (from new ships and their abilities/stats vs others) to the general 'weakness' around peer-peer networking that ED uses and concerns like instances and rubber banding etc.
I do accept a lot of people were looking forward to mp Elite (it was a longtime wish from David Brabben as well), but it is clear it only partially lives up to expectations and from a design perspective has held the game back. If it had been single player (or had a real off line single player experience) we would have seen a huge influx of mods to improve the game all over.
It's why as an original kickstarter backer (like 5 years ago now?!) I have not started playing properly yet (dipped my toes in and did not find it what i was looking for...yet). I much prefer to play FFED3D (plus mods) for my Elite fix as that just does 'more' better imho. ED is still in development though, so i'm hopeful i'll get to play it at a near feature comparative state to FFED3D at some point.
But yeah unless your game is specifically designed ALL about the mp (and that just kills a game for many people not into the PvP), pseudo-mp has it's draw backs, as both ED and now NMS are finding out.
Post edited August 07, 2018 by ThorChild

New User
Registered: Oct 2012
From Sweden
Posted September 07, 2018
So I just did a part of the community goal and saw some interesting stuff.
There were a monument over two people meeting, I saw one random basecomputer and several message modules all over the planet at spots with valuble stuff.
Can we see other players now or is it just some kind of trickery Hello Games are playing on us through the community goal?
Don't seem to be any option for multiplayer in settings by the way.
There were a monument over two people meeting, I saw one random basecomputer and several message modules all over the planet at spots with valuble stuff.
Can we see other players now or is it just some kind of trickery Hello Games are playing on us through the community goal?
Don't seem to be any option for multiplayer in settings by the way.
Post edited September 07, 2018 by ELFswe

New User
Registered: Jul 2016
From United States
Posted September 07, 2018

There were a monument over two people meeting, I saw one random basecomputer and several message modules all over the planet at spots with valuble stuff.
Can we see other players now or is it just some kind of trickery Hello Games are playing on us through the community goal?
Don't seem to be any option for multiplayer in settings by the way.
Read the release announcement from August 11, 2017 for the Atlas Rises update. GOG users have been waiting since that time to have complete versions of No Man's Sky. The item of note states "•Joint exploration has been introduced allowing 16 players to see visual representations of each other in game. Joint exploration does not require PS Plus, and is not currently available on GOG Galaxy." The release announcement is at
The same happened with Next but the release to GOG was left to last of the four platforms to avoid the bad press and feedback and there were vague promises that this capability might exist by the end of the year but I somehow cannot find that posting anymore so not sure if we have been moved from the doorstep to being left in the forest.
I am not really interested in playing with imaginary friends but it was Hello Games that both selected and promoted GOG as one of the three distributors of the game only to leave GOG users abandoned on the doorstep.