Sophia: I too got my first freighter! Like you, I have no idea what to do haha.
It happened before that I got the distress call but I always fled from the scene. I finally got brave and defeated the pirates, now I have this gigantic beast in space.
Now to figure out what to do with it :D
I never considered trying to avoid the first encounter(s). I always accepted getting into the fight, but refused the first free offer, since I mainly wasn't into the looks of the freighter offered as a (free) reward -- knowing, that if I refused, the next one would still come for free.
Nice find :)
I'll certainly try what you did on my next fresh save.
What to do with it ? For one, your freighters Hyperdrive is capable of jumping to any system within the reach of tis drives. No restrictions. Rare resources located in Star Systems you'd need specialized Hyperdrive updates for reaching are now within reach quite effortlessly.
Also, now you can go and buy Frigates to send out on Expeditions, or _finally_ have a Combat-type Frigate defend you. Yes, for the first time ever, in 2.12 I had a Combat Frigates' drones obliterate attackers. Literally. I was about to be attacked, one of my Combat Frigates notified me, that it would send help ... and poof ... all attackers were gone.
Your freighter provides a garage for all your ships at once. Also, you now have a moveable base with storage and space to build stuff inside. Despite the nerfs they got and all the old and new bugs I run into, I still am a freighter person in this game. I just like the thought of being able to call in my movebale 'safe space' whenver I want. IOW: Nothing better than being able to call in the Cavalry :)