Socratatus: I had to do a reformat so decided to try NMS with the backups without GOG Galaxy. But on completion there`s no VR version of the game. If I start NMS it always starts the 2D game.
How did you guys with VR manage to get it to work without Galaxy?
If there's no shortcut named 'No Man's Sky (OpenVR)' in your startmenu, locate your NMS.exe, create a shortcut, and then add '-HmdEnable 1' to the target, so that it looks like follows:
"<YourNMSInstallationPath>\Binaries\NMS.exe" -HmdEnable 1
Then try starting the game using that shortcut.
Edit: If you have SteamVR installed, that'll work. If you don't have SteamVR you'll need to install OpenComposite available from here: