chaosWyrM: but that mechanic is still in the game...were still told its hot, or cold, or toxic...they are all just artificial difficulties that operate exactly the same and provide a small level of faux variety.
how hard really would that have been to do with some basic gravity variables?
Those are good points too - but there are some almost invisible mechanical things on the.. side of the colour spectrum the toxic planets are, etc. It seems awfully consistent for being random(like someone wanted to use the spectrum bars in a system's sun to predict what minerals and gases likely would be there, etc - before someone added plutonium to everything.. which.. even if it was just some rock that contains a couple of fissible pu, would make every single system in the game glow, since it should also be full of radioactive isotopes with much shorter half-lives, that would still exist in massively larger quantities). And frosty planets have ice-ish transitions, different approach to fog and so on than hot planets. So they're using this for something, even if it's not extremely striking, or even there on every planet.
And I think this says a lot about HG as a developer: they happily put in a bunch of extra variables as long as it means something technically, in the sense that they sort of use it. But don't care all that much if adding something only affects the presentation.
Unfortunately, it also means they're setting themselves up for being cut apart when Sony gets involved: "I don't see why that helps the presentation after two minutes of playing, cut it out of the game please. There's a possibility that you might get stuck without ammo or fuel and have to hunt for ingredients - add more rescue material so the flow is uninterrupted! Give me ice-cream and chickenwings!".
Or, what it looks like is they design an engine, and then make the game happen while running around in it. Instead of what normally (sort of) happens, that you create the main character, and then design the game around them.
And yeah, no studios with design philosophies like that really exist now. Psygnosis, Particle Systems.. not really all that much more. It's all about hooking off bullet-points to make up a "legitimately persistent world", right? Instead of having something actually consistent, that may be somewhat flawed, but - still generated from properly created rules.