jimmy12345: Any non-Gog Galaxy players out there able to get the
Mud Huts from the Quicksilver merchant? I'm on 3.10 and don't see it... could be I need to apply the patch:
Not sure if there is much in that 20mb patch though.
They look pretty cool .. see pic:
Jentuncegs: Hi! When playing NMS, Galaxy is active in order to provide MP, but I do not start NMS from within it, I start NMS from Windows Explorer, is that what you mean?
Yes, I do have the Mud Hut. Origins Update v 3.00 23 Sept. 2020
EDIT: Ooops, our posts crossed mid-air :) Pretty they are, thanks ---- I never had used them before!!
Johntodd: HELLO ... HELLo ... HELlo ... HEllo ... Hello ... hello ...
Is there anybody in here?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Jentuncegs: I recently tried to join your game while nodding, and nodding, and nodding ... At times, something seems wrong with my Internet access. No fun playing MP. :/
Interesting - I can"t see the newest Quicksilver items they mention here: [url=]https://www.nomanssky.com/2020/12/next-generation-development-update/[/url] and I'm on 3.10
I only use the offline game install files and don't do multi-player. I only play single player and in creative mode. Trying to stay away from GOG Galaxy. Maybe I have to install GOG Galaxy and be online to get the latest items..