Posted October 31, 2019

This vote is just to tell where new recruits where to settle. Let's just pick one and be happy.
Nothing is lost by your updating the Greeting Post since none of the other great systems is going away.
87 is King and we all love it. But when new settlers have to wait, like, 10 minutes as compared to 90 seconds for the game to load, that's bad. (We old settlers can put up with it, because we've our second home there, and we know what awaits.)
Back then we've said: We need an easy to reach system with cel. bodies of each of the 3 good types (ice, desert, temperate), none of them boring, all of them with manageable weather, and good-natured sentinels. With this in mind I've scouted, like, 7, 8 screenfuls of systems around GOG-87. GOG-87 has no twin, but we've found a handful of candidates that more-or-less fit the bill.
Rost (whom I've spoken to earlier this day) and I favour Dumas.
P.S. I hope to add all of the candidates to the wiki, come time (and Nob is troglodyting every one of them as we speak).