Surfinjo: Wondered that myself. both seem to be looking to load a file.
Possibly (and just guessing), a developer access. Or perhaps for use by those playing the Creative game.
Perhaps they are part of a fiendish plot to put in a couple of buttons to see if anyone presses them.
XenonS: I have tried to enter my GoG avatar name and press accept, this will start a Creative game but still 'Explorer' as my account name for the game.
Remember how in one of the previous patches the Photo Mode displayed some http URL in the lower left ? That's what's expected in the URI field.
As for the camera icon, my guess is, that the game will try to extract the URL from previously taken photos. Since HG uses the PNG format, adding that information in an easly machine-readable format is entirely possible.
But whichever photo I tried, the game allways crashes.
Also, I'm pretty sure I saw that giggling Gek and the two fretted Vy'keen exchange Units right after I crashed the game repeatedly using the Camera button ...