Especially, since with Beyond I've been thrown atop of my freighter on multiple ocassions without any means to get back in when accessing storage or ending the interacting with a fleet control console.
Velgor: Yeah, I've had that happen, too. And I've died once and just barely (somehow) managed to survive and get teleported back onto the freighter.
Pre-Beyond there was a problem with exotics ships that landed in the second pad of bay 2 and sometimes third pad. Tall ships would have a fin protrude through the floor into upper areas and block access because the fin acted as a wall. There was a patch that fixed the fin from showing through but the software still considered it present in the calculation so the path was still blocked.
A new problem that I encountered with Beyond was that I was not allowed to complete the journey up the steps to any of the upper decks. Changing the freighter seed fixed this for me.
I have also run into the problem with being put somewhere in the upper reaches of a freighter with a transparent floor but unable to return. However, this doesn't really cost me much as there always will be a save from exiting my ship so I will not have lost much in playing time or activities. Sometimes I have to do that anyway as I delete almost everything that arrives via frigates as I have no use for the space bucks and have had to cheat three times to reduce my bank account usually by just changing the "4" to a "3."