Socratatus: We will never see the game as advertised. I believe it now.
I said this on another forum... Murray isn`t the only one to do this. There`s always one, then it`s a little quiet, then another tries it on. I knew this, but broke my own rule and got caught in the snare.
Devs are no longer our `friends` like in the `90s (maybe). Now it`s money over a great game no matter what. I don`t know but there seems to be a gamer that thinks that because Devs make games they are like us, so they understand us.
Games these days are `made` by money suits and skirts and they get the Devs following in line for the cash in the end. It`s all about greed. And gamers are the biggest suckers, they know this. Kids talk like Devs love them.
They don`t and won`t love you. This includes Gabe. Treat them very sceptically and critically observe.
Warning signs:
1. Dev and company Insistence to Pre-Order.
2. Sneaky season passes that don`t call themselves that.
3. Hype. Lots of flashy graphics. Lots of apparent gameplay. But is there a demo? If not, be wary.
4.`Incentives` to pre-order. Unless they`re offering 50% off the cash price, don`t and even then be wary.
5. Using famous celebs- Avoid. no matter how much you may love that actor.
6. Above all,
change your mindset. If they can get you really excited psychologically you`ll find it very, very hard to come down from it until you HAVE what they`re selling. it`s like a drug.
You have to look at every release, every `wonderful` oncoming game with shielded lowered eyes and
expect nothing. Make a note of it if you`re interested, then forget it until release time and simply watch from above- like a wise cat.
Now some games do this and end up still good like Xcom 2 (which I actually waited a while for after release and reseached), but don`t take that as the rule.
Only then, after release and once proven can you buy and be excited because you`ll know it really is a good game.
You`ll be a lot happier if you do this.
Great Stuff. I would like to add, I like to read negative reviews. You rarely learn anything from positive reviews, even if the game is horrible, it will have positive reviews gushing over it.