Oh, yeah. No doubt about that.
Something happened to the paths here as well at some point - you were supposed to be able to travel further in absolute distance with the better warp-cores by skipping the known routes. Makes sense, right - you can now travel past bigger star-systems with a better warp-drive, so new routes that were unavailable are in reach, even if you're not actually traveling further in total distance. (Would make sense to need that increased power to approach the core as well without having to do increasingly shorter jumps). This was supposedly there in the pre-release build. And there is a system in place for extending the distances like this for the closer systems, etc.
Most likely the sheer density of the yellow stars, total and absolute absence of any need for detours to any single star, etc., has made any of this completely obsolete in any case. But the maths in the distances makes absolutely no sense, and they supposedly did before the day-0 update.
I think the black holes also were supposed to be random with a pretty high maximum jump towards the core. You might lose some distance by being left in a system you would have to make a detour to get out of, etc (and would fit with how you lose a warp-system first once you get out, etc. There's a narratively sensible mechanic holding you back from just spamming the pf-systems). But now they really do seem to basically be one maximum jump. I've only jumped a couple of times, but I've never seen more than that, and I haven't heard of anyone else with better results either. Seems to be a good way to change which cluster you're in, and that's about it.
But that's what you get when you buy a Sony game, isn't it... :/