Posted September 24, 2016
Happy player since day I'm done.
Marked my start system day one with a waypoint so I could backtrack later. 70 hrs in I was done exploring and completed the Atlas quest. Before heading into the center I thought I'd stop off at my start point and for 5 more hrs I was happily making my way home.
...until today...
Loaded up, checked out a planet in the system I was in and launched back into space. Opened my Galaxy Map and found that my Waypoint had vanished, I only had the Center and Free options. Reverted to a previous Waypoint. Quite out, loaded up and checked again...No Waypoint.
In addition, all of my discoveries beyond my current system are all reset to ??? Every site, plant and animal I discovered are gone. The planets I had discovered, although still recorded, all show 100% even though I had not completed them. Meaning I cannot complete them at this point, some were only 1 species away from a milestone.
This is an uacceptible fail, beyond all of the other "features" that have not been implemented. I was patient, I was happy with the game play and exploration. But to lose what was essentially the point of the game...I'm out. Not even a free DLC with missing features will do anything for me at this point.
Marked my start system day one with a waypoint so I could backtrack later. 70 hrs in I was done exploring and completed the Atlas quest. Before heading into the center I thought I'd stop off at my start point and for 5 more hrs I was happily making my way home.
...until today...
Loaded up, checked out a planet in the system I was in and launched back into space. Opened my Galaxy Map and found that my Waypoint had vanished, I only had the Center and Free options. Reverted to a previous Waypoint. Quite out, loaded up and checked again...No Waypoint.
In addition, all of my discoveries beyond my current system are all reset to ??? Every site, plant and animal I discovered are gone. The planets I had discovered, although still recorded, all show 100% even though I had not completed them. Meaning I cannot complete them at this point, some were only 1 species away from a milestone.
This is an uacceptible fail, beyond all of the other "features" that have not been implemented. I was patient, I was happy with the game play and exploration. But to lose what was essentially the point of the game...I'm out. Not even a free DLC with missing features will do anything for me at this point.