scotthabs: Ive read multiple times that putting save point tech on your freighter is now possible. When I attempt to do so, the save point tech option doesnt appear in the menu, though the refinery and research comp do. It works fine on planets for me though. Anyone else seen this, or have any suggestions?
Thanks regardless.
I just tested placing a Save Point on my freighter and that works. I do not have the option to build or place a Save Beacon on my freighter so part of this might be different terminology. Having a Save Beacon on freighter is pointless as the freighter already has a marker.
EDIT - Save Point is the short one and the Save Beacon is the taller one with the antennae on each side.
That said I just go down to my Starship and do a quick entry and exit to create save points while aboard my freighter, only takes a few seconds.
I did not try placing the Save Point in anywhere other than the back rooms of the freighter. Your screen capture shows you in a hallway which possibly could be the issue.
I did see screen shots of Save Beacons being put into freighters shortly after Beyond came out but recall that after the first patch or two people started complaining that this wasn't working anymore. Similar to the Nutrient Processor - some people that built one early apparently received a random number of storage slots to a max of 25 and now they have hard coded this to be 10 or 14 but players with the older increased slots are able to continue. Same with cargo slots on ships - The original cap was 48 for all and if someone was working from an early save they were able to either find (or edit) these to the max and continue to use but anyone starting after the limits were put in are stuck with the caps. I have 48 slots each in a Hauler, Fighter, Squid and Royal and have managed to fill them all with junk that I rarely, if ever, need.