Noishkel: Just noticed the latest update dropped, so I installed it. Beyond the... question changes to the game, the game is now crashing to desktop within a few seconds of my save loading. Doesn't seem to give me an error code to look into.
And even worse, I can't even revert the game back to the previous version, because when it updated the save files it borked everything I had inventory.
dashiichi: Check the option Manage Installation | Verify/Repair. Even with CRCs there's a chance that a bad bit snuck in.
If that fails, try loading the save in the NMS Save Editor. Change something minor -- the name of a base or something like that -- which should force the save editor to repackage the save file. It looks like GoatFungus has already updated it to handle 4.03. As always, it's wise to make a separate backup of your save files, just in case.
A verify/repair was the first thing I tries; didn't work though. But I did manage to get the game to work again by turning off internet connection and then yeeting all my now invalid upgrades that were sitting in my inventory thanks to the 4.0 upgrade. Still having some weird issue with the game freezing when I quit. But the game plays fine other wise.
Gotta say, it was really annoying to have a few thousand nanites worth of upgrades converted into junk worth '16' nanites a piece. I can only assuming someone thought they were being 'cute' with that one. Doesn't matter to me in the long run, as I've been playing enough to have a good stock of nanites. But it's still a little bit of a smack in the face.