Darvin: It doesn't matter whether the wizard's AC is competitive with an armored fighter, it matters it's competitive with the attack bonus of the encounters in the module. Hence my remark about high-OP and low-OP; it's about what baseline you're trying to hit and how much effort you need to make to hit it. If the benchmark is low, mage armor takes you there with practically no investment or effort. If we were to compare against a greatsword fighter without the tower shield, then the wizard is exactly the same as the guy with +5 items.
Given that an armored fighter has LOW AC at that point, it definitely does matter. A greatsword fighter is incredibly vulnerable, strength characters need a shield to have a reasonable level of protection.
Or, conversely, if the AB of enemies is so low that the greatsword fighter is reasonably protected then the enemies are irrelevant and the mage will be fine with or without EMA.
In short:
If enemies are tough, EMA isn't enough. If enemies are weak, EMA doesn't matter.