Darvin: I've sometimes gotten into positions where it's hard to move out of, but never completely stuck.
If you do get stuck, my first suggestion would be to try "fidgeting". Try using both the keyboard and mouse to move and see if you can slowly work yourself out of the wall. Resting or using some of the special animation "emotes" from the radial menu can sometimes work as well. If that fails, you can free yourself with a debug command. Press the tilda ("~") key to open the command console, then type "DebugMode 1" to enable console commands. Type "jumptopoint 0" and your character will be moved to another location in the same area. Then type "DebugMode 0" to return to regular game mode.
Once you reach chapter 1, you will be given the "Stone of Recall" that allows you to quick-travel back to the center of town, which would be an obvious solution to this problem. However, not every NWN adventure has such an item.
And of course, the universal truism of all games: quick-save often.
Thanks for the tips, usually when my character gets stuck in a wall, I can't use anything from my inventory, can't use any spells, nor can I rest. I can usually spin around in a circle, but well, that doesn't really do anything but add comic relief.