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I am playing Neverwinter Nights: Diamond.

As a sorcerer, I am having this annoying problem with bonus spells. Currently I am level 12 with 29 Charisma and when I rest, the amount of spells I can cast for levels 1-6 are 9,8,8,8,7,4. However, if I save the game and load it immediately, the numbers are down to 8,7,7,7,6,3.

I remember having the exact issue with NWN2. The problem was a result of the game engine counting bonus spells first and add items later upon loading. This would lead to any bonus spells from ability bonus from items useless. It is the exact issue here with NWN. My items give me +10.

The problem is, the math doesn't match up. I have 4 items that give bonus to CHARISMA
Cloak +2
Belt +3
Ring +3

Without bonus Level 12 Sorcerer cast 6,6,6,6,5,3
CHA 19 gives 1,1,1,1 bonus so it should be 7,7,7,7,5,3 with no item.
However it is 8,7,7,7,6,3 which is for CHA 20-21

I did more tests and found out that it takes into account the 1st item that gives CHA bonus. So if I only use the belt or the ring (or both), when I load I get bonus like I have 22 CHA. However, as soon as I equip either the cloak or the mask, the bonus drops to what 20 CHA would give.

Anyway, the question is, is there a solution to this? A way to make the aurora engine take into ALL items while calculating the bonus spells? Currently I am doing buffs before saving to somehow avoid losing spells at load but a proper solution would be welcome.
