So you just want a straightforward Cleric build? I can do that for you, sure.
Race: human
Background: none
Attributes:14 strength, 12 dexterity,14 constitution, 12 intelligence, 16 wisdom, 10 charisma
Domains: Animal,Time
Feats: Spellcasting Prodigy, Toughness
Skills: Max out concentration, diplomacy, lore, and spellcraft
This will give you a rock solid 1st level Cleric with a good balance of spellcasting, melee combat, and one very good conversion skill. The Animal Domain gives you an animal companion, which is really nice particularly early in the game when you don't have a full party. Deity selection is mostly irrelevant; pick one that looks flavorful to you. Tyr makes as good a choice as any.
Every time you level up, continue your advancement as Cleric. Continue maxing out your concentration, diplomacy, lore, and spellcraft skills. Every 4 levels you have the opportunity to improve one of your primary attributes; always select wisdom. For feats, I'd make the following suggestions: craft wondrous item, craft magical arms and armor, extend spell, persist spell, and quicken spell (in that order). Clerics are a great class for crafting and have plenty of spare feats to learn those abilities. The metamagic feats let you modify your other spells, for instance allowing them to be cast very quickly or to last all day so you can prebuff once.