Kyonhism: Hi when my holiday end in 18.02.2013 I will download GOG's package and check with my own easy installer's content . I know mine installer authentic . Because I deleted it and installed it 10 times and checked all MD5 and SHA-1 checksums for every files and I tested it 5 PCs . I will compare it with GOG version :) Thanks .
sear: The problem isn't the file integrity (the GOG installer already does that for you), it's the fact that there is a bug with the installer itself, which is causing the wrong files to be installed.
To break it down, 2DA files are basically Excel spreadsheet files that the NWN engine uses to determine all sorts of things, from weapon types and attributes, to races and classes and genders. I am 99% sure that what is happening in the GOG version is that the installer uses 2DA files that define classes and races for situations where you install Mysteries of Westgate but do not have Storm of Zehir installed, leading to the problem where the Storm of Zehir races no longer work properly. Because you can install Storm of Zehir on top of the other expansion packs and make use of their own features, Mysteries of Westgate, before the Complete NWN2 package existed, needed multiple 2DA files and has to use the correct one based on which expansions you own.
I am not speaking about file integrity . I made an installer for NWN2 Platinum Edition 6 months ago . And it works properly . I will compare with it ;)