Posted May 28, 2014
They actually had the gigantic clanking brass balls to PUBLISH that load of maggot-laden dog feces that was used as an "ending" on the original campaign. Did somebody pull in his brother-in-law who one time expressed a passing interest in thinking about doing voiceovers 20 years before in order to "narrate" that thing? And the "story" of the ending? There is not enough whiskey in the world for it to make sense to me. SOMEbody thought it was a good idea to actually put their NAME on that?
I am so very glad I bought NWN2 at the last big D&D blowout sale, along with a whole bunch of other stuff that I'd passed on over the years, so it came out to $5.00/game. Had I paid a penny more, the ending of that campaign would have made it a rip-off.
They actually had the gigantic clanking brass balls to PUBLISH that load of maggot-laden dog feces that was used as an "ending" on the original campaign. Did somebody pull in his brother-in-law who one time expressed a passing interest in thinking about doing voiceovers 20 years before in order to "narrate" that thing? And the "story" of the ending? There is not enough whiskey in the world for it to make sense to me. SOMEbody thought it was a good idea to actually put their NAME on that?
I am so very glad I bought NWN2 at the last big D&D blowout sale, along with a whole bunch of other stuff that I'd passed on over the years, so it came out to $5.00/game. Had I paid a penny more, the ending of that campaign would have made it a rip-off.