Posted May 24, 2015
NWN1 is a charm scrolling, it works smoothly, intuitively and I can find unthinkingly the best perspective for my battles. I just started NWN2 and I am still lost in the second room! NWN2 has many more options plus modes, so I am not sure if it is a performance issue or I need more settings tweaking. The best camera I found is supposed to work like in NWN1, but mousewheel zooming is very lagged or does not catch at all, while screen scrolling does pick up quickly but instead of moving continuously and smoothly it kind of jumps into the next blocky section. My hardware happened to be more suitable for performance than I expected, so I am running games at the top of possibilities without much trouble. NWN1 runs equally well with full graphics options, but in NWN2 I am not sure if it is a particular combination of options what affects scrolling, or if it is a game feature; I could not really discern much change between top graphics options and lower resolution, but the blockiness of scrolling persisted. What would be the best combination of graphic options and camera to reproduce the NWN1 scrolling performance?