capricorn1971ad: well, I loved Dungeon Hack so I know that this should scratch my itch then.
the EOB interface was never really comfy fully, this might actually be better.
but I did enjoy the goal of DH, get buried, the deeper the better, online leaderboards and all..
if it was a better discount for the archives I would get it, but lets be honest, I had every one of those when they came out..
would you pay more than 10$ for the collection?
they were good but still.. not that good, not another 30$ worth.
plus the FR series and the code wheels and stuff.. UGHH..
I'm gonna have to try this, haven't seen NWN in years and even then played a friends copy maybe 45 minutes worth..
Wish me luck, Time to delve a little and get a feel for it so i can try this endless dungeon module, see how it is and how it compares.
Taro94: Are you talking about Infinite Dungeons? If so, I'd recommend getting a balance mod, loot is grossly overpowered without it and the game becomes very easy soon enough. thanks, i'm definately going to have to look into this.
once you go into it you can come back out right?
and does it re-randomize the next trip in?
or does it start building and randomize as it goes but remain static afterwards?
doesn't really matter, either way would kill quite a few hours i am sure.
I should probably try the main campaign first to get the hang of it anyways.
I looked through and started the account creation process, still waiting on the next email but thats all good, I got lots to explore while i wait.
I do remember UA, but it just wasn't for me.
I remember you could get alot of the old classic modules that users had recreated.
I already see that heroes quest has been ported into this game through mods there, and keep on the borderlands right off the top of the bat.
I'm probably gonna get stuck here for a bit, time for more coffee and fire up some sour diesel and venture in.
Life is good in California.
if the OP is looking for a UA clone he might have actually found something better it looks like.
Guess you have to create dats for the first 3 modules too, tried to load Shadow Guard and it won't load, 10 second fix for that, simple enough, I had figured since it was included it wouldn't need to be done the same, but of course 10 seconds is long enough to generate all 6 dats anyways, no biggie.