temps: Anyone know any servers that have an active community and haven't nerfed the game's spells?
I know of places with buffed / changed spells
Neversummer I think it is 3.5 version not the 4.0 version that is built for high end magic world.
http://www.nsrealm.com Of course there is Higher Grounds
Both of those modules have been around since the gamespy days.
Really what the game needed was fresh blood and new story tellers
Most nwn worlds are built around the concept of low magic low level.
Reason hak's like PRC never 'main stream' popular
, [url=http://www.athasreborn.com/prc/manual/]Manual You would think stuff that made the game actually have more DnD content and closer to pen / paper be popular.
Yet it didn't really take off...
Online D&D reference