Posted August 29, 2021
I bought the new Myst, and I'm a bit disappointed by the absence of any HDR support, and I can't even find a brightness/Gamma control setting in the game! Even Obduction had a gamma setting--even though it was divorced from the main settings in the game--the gamma did work, although you could not save its setting for some reason. And then Cyan removed the HDR capability from the game saying they were too small a studio to support HDR properly--if I recall correctly. So now--they've taken both the gamma and the HDR out of the Obduction engine--which I'm guessing is what the latest Myst redo is running on...?
I find this weird--I've got No Man's Sky, for instance, by Hello Games, which is a smallish studio with less AAA games under its belt than Cyan, and their HDR implementation is very good--dramatically better than SDR. I've got several other games in which the HDR really shines. And NMS also includes a gamma/brightness control. order to drop the brightness a bit I have to make a driver profile for the game, for my 5700XT @ 4k, and set the brightness down 5-10 points in the driver profile to get it done.
But maybe I'm just going blind, and I've missed the New Myst in-game gamma or brightness settings. Anyone seen this in-game control?
I like what I've seen so far of the game, but I find myself chagrined by the lack of HDR, and the brightness setting, if it isn't there--I can't find it! They paid so much attention to graphical improvement, it seems a very odd lapse. I've got a Display HDR 1000-certified monitor with a true WCG from SDR, and HDR done right is drop-dead gorgeous. So, naturally, I would notice the omission of this feature.
They had time to do FSR and DLSS & ray-tracing--even a VR version--but no HDR support! To me that's more important than ray-tracing support, and much easier to implement I should think.
I find this weird--I've got No Man's Sky, for instance, by Hello Games, which is a smallish studio with less AAA games under its belt than Cyan, and their HDR implementation is very good--dramatically better than SDR. I've got several other games in which the HDR really shines. And NMS also includes a gamma/brightness control. order to drop the brightness a bit I have to make a driver profile for the game, for my 5700XT @ 4k, and set the brightness down 5-10 points in the driver profile to get it done.
But maybe I'm just going blind, and I've missed the New Myst in-game gamma or brightness settings. Anyone seen this in-game control?
I like what I've seen so far of the game, but I find myself chagrined by the lack of HDR, and the brightness setting, if it isn't there--I can't find it! They paid so much attention to graphical improvement, it seems a very odd lapse. I've got a Display HDR 1000-certified monitor with a true WCG from SDR, and HDR done right is drop-dead gorgeous. So, naturally, I would notice the omission of this feature.
They had time to do FSR and DLSS & ray-tracing--even a VR version--but no HDR support! To me that's more important than ray-tracing support, and much easier to implement I should think.