Splatsch: I don't know if it'll work, and this is just a suggestion if you haven't already tried... But if it's like in the demo (I just tried it), you go in the control options, and here, you directly map the keys/sticks of your gamepad you want for the actions you want.
I don't have a XBox One controller, simply a PS2 pad with an USB adaptator, and it's well recognized.
Hope this will help :P
trusteft: No, doesn't work, but thanks for the suggestion. :)
Strange. I tested the game with both my Xbox 360-controller, and my Xbox One-controller. The 360-controller works fine, the game recognized it, and I could start playing with no additional set-up required, but the Xbox One-controller did not work at all in the game.
I've seen it mentioned in another thread that the game only supports DirectInput, not Xinput. I'm guessing this is the reason. I don't know this for certain, but maybe 360-controllers support DirectInput, but One-controllers doesn't.