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Unfortunately the series sale ended too quickly, but maybe it will come again, so which of these games should I buy, and which should I play first?

Are any of the versions terrible or more feature complete than the others?
Liudeius: Unfortunately the series sale ended too quickly, but maybe it will come again, so which of these games should I buy, and which should I play first?

Are any of the versions terrible or more feature complete than the others?
The promo is still running isn't it?

You should give Mount and Blade a try first - it won't cost you a penny.

If you don't like the first game - your certainly not going to like any of the others.

Personally I thought it was great when I bought the WIP early version back in 2006.

The controls might take a bit of practice but you'll be a tournament champ in no time.

There's no hand-holding and your basically free to do as you please.

There's no limit in the types of characters your able to make i.e. a bounty hunter with a mace, knight with a joust/sword + shield or my favorite mounted archer - are all equally enjoyable.

You character is rather weak at the start but once the XP and money comes in - you can purchase better gear.

Warband is essentially a direct replacement for Mount and Blade - it's also the base for DLC content.

If you ever liked watching [url=]Sharpe[/url] or enjoyed playing Napoleon Total War - the Napoleon multiplayer based DLC might interest you.

No idea about the Viking DLC - it hasn't even been released yet!

There's no real reason to purchase Mount and Blade if you get Warband - but then that's why they're giving it away for free! ;)

Fire and Sword is set in Europe (rather than a fictional world; as in the first two games) and introduces gunpowder into the usual mix.

It doesn't seem to get as positive a reception due to some missing features - but with the heavy 75% discount it works out more expensive to not buy it!
Post edited November 13, 2014 by mwnn
Liudeius: Are any of the versions terrible or more feature complete than the others?
General advice: Get the free thing off GOG first (i.e. original Mount & Blade) and play it a bit, to get an idea of what you actually like. Then, consider downloading both Warband and With Fire & Sword from the Taleworlds website - without a serial key, the downloaded version will work as a feature-complete demo with a level cap.

From a gameplay perspective, Warband is just a better version of the original Mount&Blade, with multiplayer support. The only reason I suggest getting the original first is because it's currently free. Otherwise, I'd say it's not worth it anymore.

With Fire & Sword introduces guns, changing the mechanics a lot, because guns do give very quick kills to the enemy, including the infantry. People with muskets pose a lot more danger than people with swords do. It also changes the setting from completely fictitious northern/eastern Europe to somewhat historical Renaissance Eastern Europe/Middle East, introducing actual story missions.

I like WFAS more than Warband, specifically because of the setting and the guns, but that's a rare opinion. I'd say WAFS is worth picking up mostly if, like me, you come to the conclusion you like it more than the original setting.

There's also a huge modding community, about which I can't say much, because I'm not into the scene. I presume Warband has the largest selection of mods.
Post edited November 13, 2014 by -Iota-
Oh yeah, I already have the base game and like it, I was just wondering if it was like Sins of a Solar Empire where there is one more complete version which phases out the other ones.
And apparently there is, so thanks!
Warband is the best. It's better than the first M&B and I disliked the firearms which were introduced in the later DLC and game. They are simulated realistic what means that they are not very accurate when aiming at a target and reloading a firearm takes a lot of time which slows down gameplay. I prefer shooting with a bow and arrows.
Post edited November 14, 2014 by Silverhawk170485