shadowmakerr: I need a serial key to play in mulitplayer and dont see one anymore. I sent an email to support on Sunday. Where do I get the serial key? I can play in single player.
fe79: In your account library, select the game in question and then click "More" and "Serial keys".
I can't find that option in my account library under "More". I uninstalled M&B Warbands which i purchased through GOG and re-downloaded and installed it into the GOG Games default folder and, also, verified/repaired. The Serial Key still remains elusive.
OK IT TOOK ME ABOUT ALL NIGHT AND JUST WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO SEND A REQUEST FOR A SERIAL KEY IT HIT ME... Turns out you can only access the "Serial Keys" tab under accounts through the WEB BROWSER not and i repeat not the GOG Galaxy Client. SO for clarity use the website to gain access to your serial keys. NOT GALAXY CLIENT!