Posted June 24, 2018

some of you may have bought "Escape from Monkey Island" today after its introduction to GOG, only to be confronted with an error message after trying to launch it via GOG-Galaxy:
"Could not initialize your hardware! Please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for more information."
Now the troubleshooting guide proved to be less than helpful, but I figured out a way to launch the game anyway.
For my specs:
Win10 63bit
AMD R200 series GPU
Intel i5-4570 3,20 GHz
I don't know whether or not the specs are important; should yours vary and this fix doesn't help you, please leave a comment so we can troubleshoot as a community!
Step 1: Open the game's installation folder (Select the game in GOG Galaxy --> more --> manage installation -->
show folder).
Step 2: Find "monkey.exe"
Step 3: Right-click "monkey.exe" and select "Properties"
Step 4: Select the "Compatibility" sub-menu and check the first and last boxes. Run the programm in
compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and run as administrator.
Step 5: Run monkey.exe
Step 6: In the launcher, press [bOptions] --> Configuration Options.
Step 7: Within the "Configuration Options", switch to the "Trouble Shooting submenu and select Enable
OpenGL. Hit Apply, then ok.
Step 8: Press "Go Back", then hit Play Monkey 4.
The game should run without the error popping up. For me, the first cutscene took a while to load but you can skip it and watch it from the game's main menu at a later time.
I found a way that works for me to fix the buggy cutscenes is to (after you've completed all the steps that you listed) to also right click on the monkey4.exe file and go to properties and make sure to set its compatibility settings to Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and run as administrator. Then launch monkey4.exe and the cutscenes should run smoothly. I haven't had a chance to test out the entire game's cutscenes but so far the first one played smoothly as well as just the way the game launched was improved.
Thank you so much for posting this solution - it really helped me out a lot!