hohiro: The online manual was in old save game format and doesnt work on modern Windows anymore, but there in a patch for the retail version in the net and the newest version (v7) has them compiled in modern helpfile format and you can just extract it from the exe and click them.
Yup, you can totally just extract the new CHM files from my RBXIT Win7 patches and open them... and they work great that way... but... this thread caught my attention because I realized that I didn't test this particular feature with the new help files (in my patch, not this GOG copy). Most in-game links to the new help files work, but these Bioderm bio links require linking to sub-page links on the Bioderm Biographies page. And, well, links like that don't work yet, and I didn't yet know I needed to solve that problem. So, thanks for that info, @Eligos.
Note: I'm not talking about this GOG release. I'm just talking about my RBXIT Win7 patch that has been out for a few years now. I don't know anything about this GOG copy yet.
I'm not sure how to solve this problem yet. Writing tools to recompile the help files was a ton more work than fixing the game itself, or so it seems. And, considering that topic links and subtopic links from CSTORM look exactly the same, it could be really hard to automate a solution for this with how CHM files work. I will likely have to create redirect stubs for each suptopic. That's no small automation task.